I had to share these pretty peonies with you...
Aren't they pretty? Want to know a secret??? They're not real! Sweet Julie who blogs over at Lilacs and Longhorns shared them on her Instagram account. I couldn't believe they were faux flowers! She said she got them at Walmart, so I high tailed it over there and grabbed a few for myself. :)
I love displaying them on the book my great grandmother illustrated and they bring a smile to my face every time I pass by. :)
Now onto the proud Mama part...
I've mentioned before that my oldest son is in college and about to graduate in December. He switched his major about half way through, from Business to Supply Chain Management. Since they were both under the business umbrella so to speak, he only had to add a handful of supply chain classes to the business classes he was already taking. It extended his graduation by one semester, but he's so much happier with the supply chain degree and we're so happy for him. :)
He seems to have a natural understanding of supply chain and has really enjoyed his classes. He recently attended a supply chain job fair at his school (The University of Houston) They had employers from all over the Houston area come and the students got a chance to meet with them. He was hoping to at least secure a summer internship, but landed an actual job instead!
The company he spoke with was looking for a student to work part time right now, then go full time after graduation. He started a couple of weeks ago and loves it! He's doing what he loves, the people are great to work with, and they have wonderful benefits too.
He hasn't even graduated yet, but he's already started his retirement plan with his company. That REALLY makes mom and dad proud. :)
I can't tell you how nice it is to know he has a job BEFORE graduation! Let me just say to my fellow parents who are in the thick of paying for tuition right now...it DOES pay off when they end up getting a great job out of it. All those years of paying tuition, books, etc. really is worth it.
To reward himself for getting a "real" job with "real" money, he's going to order a new truck for himself this weekend. It will take 6-8 weeks to build but I'll try to share a pic when it's delivered.
I rarely share personal stuff here, so thanks for listening to my proud mama talk. :)
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